How to Post Inspiring Content on Instagram

How to Post Inspiring Content on Instagram

Has your brain felt like an empty milk jug when trying to post on Instagram? We get it.

Sometimes the ideas just don't flow. Today we will give you the tools to inject jet fuel into your feed and start posting inspiring content on Instagram. 

Building a quality account on Instagram takes time and perseverance. But if you stick with it, you can reach your goals. 


Guidelines for Posting on Instagram and Social Media 

There are a thousand ideas for creative and engaging Instagram posts. However, it would take many hours of reading to go through them all. If you know the principles, you can ball all those ideas up into a few simple steps. 

So, here are some principles for posting inspiring content: 

  1. Give value to the reader
  2. Spark curiosity 
  3. Be personal 
  4. Know your audience 
  5. Learn some basic photography

 Here are the details. 


Post Content that Gives People Value 

If you want to inspire people, you need to give them something of value. You need to think about them. When you go scrolling through Instagram, what are you looking for?  

More than likely, you're looking for something that brings some value to your life. This comes in many forms for many people. An artist might find it valuable to see a beautiful painting; a new dad might find a baby burping tutorial helpful. 

Here are a few ideas that give value to almost anyone:  

  1. Giveaways 
  2. Reviews 
  3. how-tos 

People like free stuff. Giveaways, reviews (music, food, clothes, shoes), and how-tos are all ways of giving your followers value. 

If the person finds value, they will come back for more. 


Post Content that Sparks Curiosity 

Are you planning a vacation? Instead of announcing it to the world in a single post, play a game of guess where with your followers. Start by posting a single photo and build the suspense from there. 

You can do the same thing with a meal you are making or a new project you're undertaking. 

Curiosity is one of those basic human traits that captivates our attention. We like to figure things out - we want to solve things. By making your followers curious, you further engage them, giving you a better chance to inspire them. 


Share Personal Content on Instagram 

People long for what's real. In the world of Hollywood, everything can have a shadow of fakeness. Who are you really? Your followers want to know. 

It can be difficult to be personal on social media. We are often too worried about what people think of us. However, you'll likely find people are kinder than you think and that the good comments will outweigh the bad. 

And when people hear you share something personal, it helps them relate to you and even form a connection. This connection is what keeps followers loyal and allows you to inspire them. 


Know Your Instagram Audience 

Instagram accounts differ like fish in the sea. If you're trying to make a fish walk or a cat swim, then you're not going to inspire people. 

What do we mean? 

Say your account is about personal fitness. Well, your followers will likely find reviews of dietary supplements and how-tos of specific exercises more inspiring and engaging than a picture of your favorite cake. 

Likewise, if you are a business trying to share a product, you want your posts to reflect your product in a clear and engaging way. In short, you want to stay on topic and think about what your target audience will want to see. 

A final word in this section, not all good content is good for your account. Here's what that means. If you want people to sign up for your workout program, you need to post inspiring content that is likely to draw people looking for a workout program. 

A picture of your coffee might be inspiring and beautiful (coffee is gorgeous), and it might even grow your engagement. But it's not going to target people looking for a workout program. 


Learn Some Basic Photography for Instagram 

Often, it's the loudest voice that gets heard. This principle also applies to Instagram. You might have great content, be giving away stuff like crazy, and be as original as time, but if your followers are dealing with a fuzzy picture, you're out of luck.

They'll scroll away. And your message is lost. 

So, when applying some of the principles above, remember to deliver your message as fluidly as possible. This means knowing some basic photography for your Instagram. 

Understanding lighting, contrast, layering, and perspective are not super complicated. Though it could take you a while to truly master all the aspects of photography, spending a few minutes learning some basics will take you further than you think. 

Wait. You don't have an expensive camera? No issue. There are whole courses dedicated to taking professional pictures on your iPhone. 

If you're interested in learning more about posting inspiring content on Instagram: see some of the articles below: 

  1. 40 Content Ideas for Instagram
  2. How to Create Quality Instagram Content to Engage Followers 



Following the principles listed above will get you on your way to inspiring people on Instagram. 

Remember to keep thinking about something that could give value to your followers. And don't forget to use the power of curiosity to keep people wanting more. Being personal will ensure people feel connected to you and your cause - and it will keep them loyal. 

As you’re posting, remember your target audience. You want to post content that will reach the people who will be most benefited from your account. Finally, think about learning some basic photography skills. This will up the quality of your content and ensure people read your post. 

And hey, follow Charming Shark on Instagram if you haven't already. 

Anytime you buy a necklace or bracelet from Charming Shark, a portion of the money goes to Loggerhead Marine life and Access surf. These are two great organizations dedicated to protecting sea turtles and giving everyone a chance to enjoy the ocean. 


Written By: Gideon Zielinski

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